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Quick Question: Potential Bannings in Modern?

Modern was the only one of our main-event formats that wasn't hit by bannings or restrictions earlier in the week. That seems to suggest that nothing dominated the Modern charts as of late. But is there a card that maybe should be banned from the format? We asked some...

Quick Question: Best Modern Deck Now?

Modern was the only one of our main-event formats that wasn't hit by bannings or restrictions earlier in the week. That seems to suggest that nothing dominated the Modern charts as of late. But something always has to be the best deck at any given moment, right? We...

Previously at the Cardmarket Series: Modern in Barcelona

On the eve of the Cardmarket Series Prague, it's once again time for us to follow long-standing tradition and to review what happened last time at the Series. Eight weeks earlier, on the weekend of September 27–29, players from all over Europe gathered in Barcelona...